
Visit a General Practitioner Near You Even When You Aren’t Sick

Some people would rather avoid a visit to their doctor as far as possible and only type the phrase, “general practitioner near me” into their search engine when their symptoms become serious. It is rather helpful, however, to find a nearby GP that one can trust before illness strikes, and partner with them when it comes to improving one’s overall health status. At the Intercare Group, we aim to empower our patients on topics surrounding their health through a team of experienced and compassionate professionals. It is also important for us that we make quality healthcare affordable and accessible throughout South Africa so that patients know there is always a medical professional nearby who cares. If you, too, have had a habit in the past of leaving those health check-ups until something was seriously wrong, you might benefit from visiting your doctor often – even if you are not sick. Below, we look at why visiting a GP near you has more benefits than just the treatment of illness.

Preventative Measures Are Always Better than Cures

Certain conditions such as high blood pressure, raised blood sugar levels, high cholesterol, and even various kinds of cancers show very few symptoms in their early stages. Picking these up without a visit to your doctor may be difficult, which means these conditions are left to progress to the point where their symptoms may be damaging. It is also far more difficult and expensive to treat an advanced illness than it is to catch it in its early stages or prevent it altogether. Finding a general practitioner near you means you have easy access to an early diagnosis that might inevitably stop illness from developing or progressing.

Get Clarification on the Medicine You Take

Many people intrinsically trust doctors when it comes to the medication they are prescribed and might end up taking chronic medication for years without any adjustments or check-ups to ensure these drugs are still working as required. Some patients are also not clued up about the side effects, contraindications, and possible long-term effects of their medication. Speaking to your doctor about what the active ingredients in your medication do and how they are supposed to work allows you to pick up on anything that feels wrong. You are also free to explore alternative treatment options with your doctor if you feel your medication is not the best option for you.

Find Out About Trustworthy Information Sources

We live in an age saturated with information from various sources and it can be difficult to know what to believe. Social media and instant messaging also make it possible for damaging healthcare information to spread, which poses risks for public health. If you are trying to find reliable sources of medical information, speak to your doctor about websites, subscriptions, and magazines they trust most. Your GP can also help you make sense of any information you have received that confuses you or leaves you with concerns about your own health.

Asking About Health Goals to Set

Some of us might feel that a lack of symptoms is a good indicator that we are healthy, but this is not always the case. Oftentimes, there are many ways that one’s health can improve through exercise, a more balanced diet, weight loss, and getting better sleep at night. Conditions such as prediabetes or prehypertension require immediate lifestyle changes to avoid further complications down the line, and these can be screened for by a trusted GP. If you would like to improve your general physical wellness, you can speak to your doctor about health goals to set and how to reach them.

Ask About Your Family’s Lifestyle

Even with good intentions, busy lives and hectic schedules make it difficult to manage our family’s health. Visiting a family physician, however, allows patients to speak to their doctor about their household’s lifestyle and possible ways to improve on this. Some topics of discussion might include:

  • How to make quick and healthy meals instead of eating junk food.
  • How to limit screen time for kids.
  • Academic performance in children and how to improve this through good habits and supplements.
  • Reaching growth milestones and whether or not the children are developmentally on track.
  • Mental health issues and how to manage stress, depression, or anxiety.
  • Family planning and reproductive health.

Screening Tests and Vaccinations You May Need

As we age, we need regular screenings for various kinds of cancers and conditions such as high cholesterol, diabetes, and hypertension. We also need to ensure that our family is up to date on vaccinations and immunisations, especially when certain communities experience disease outbreaks such as measles or meningitis. Depending upon your age and health status, it is a good idea to visit a GP near you every 6 to 12 months to ensure you are up to date with screenings and that you are still in tip-top form.

Ask the Question You’ve Been Meaning to Ask

Some conditions feel so embarrassing to patients that they avoid seeking medical attention altogether. It is important to understand, however, that medical professionals are compassionate carers who seek to help patients heal – not to judge them. Doctors also keep your information confidential and will handle your case with respect. Whether your conditions or questions surround reproductive health, body image issues, or symptoms that cause public embarrassment, it is essential that you seek out help to sort the problem out quickly.

Building a Better Relationship with Your GP

The doctor-patient relationship is incredibly important. The patient needs to feel they can trust their physician enough to be open and honest with them. Building rapport with your general practitioner means that over time, they will develop a clearer picture of the health and wellbeing of you and your family. Having this context makes future diagnoses and treatments easier, as your doctor already has a broader view of your health status and lifestyle.

At the Intercare Group, our primary care and wellness centres located across the country means there is no need to look up, “GP near me” online whenever you need medical care. We are nearby, affordable, and offer patients access to various medical health professionals who have only their best interests at heart. Our online booking system is also ultra-easy to navigate, so you can book your appointment with a superb doctor near you today.