
Improving Your Wellness In 2020

Improving Your Wellness In 2020 - Intercare

4 Easy Ways to Improve Your Wellness in 2020

Wellness is a concept that many associate with the health-and-fitness movement – but the idea encompasses so much more than that. It is a holistic approach that takes into account every key area of your life and functioning, such as your physical and mental health, your job satisfaction, fulfilment in relationships, and overall happiness. Here at Intercare, we believe in improving the quality of our patient’s lives – mind, body, and soul. This is why we have compiled a list of four tips to easily improve your wellness in 2020:

Enjoy some fresh air. We all know that working out is good for us, but many of us don’t have the time – or energy – to spend hours at the gym each week. One can, however, make small changes that add up to meaningful exercise throughout the day. A brisk walk each evening; playing a little soccer with the kids; even taking the stairs instead of the elevator. If you have never exercised, even the lightest activity is still 100% better than before.

Practice mindful eating. Plenty of individuals greet 2020 intending to lose some weight. Crash diets, however, do not always work and are sometimes downright dangerous. Instead of banishing all forms of chocolate from your home this year, you could practice mindful eating. Mindful eating entails focusing on what you are putting into your body. Think about how you are feeling, your emotions, whether you are really hungry, and how each ingredient in your meal is affecting you. People are far less likely to consume empty calories while mindfully processing their food as opposed to mindlessly snacking away.

Create a circle of support. The people you have around you may greatly influence your wellness. This year, try to surround yourself with people who help you to make better decisions, who uplift you, and who allow you to feel empowered. Creating a circle of support might mean making new friends, building a relationship with your doctor and therapist, and seeking out positive experiences.

Prioritise your wellness. Too often, we neglect our wellbeing, forgetting that it is our very minds and bodies that must carry us into a healthy, vibrant old age. This year, place your wellness at the top of your priorities by providing yourself with enough nutrients, exercise, sleep, and access to medical care when you need it.

If you need help setting up a new lifestyle plan for yourself, why not speak to one of our medical professionals? Easy online bookings and affordable appointments mean you can find your professional of choice wherever you are.