

Even before the COVID-19 outbreak, cell phones were shown to notoriously harbour bacteria and viruses. People handle their phones continuously, which means potentially exposing yourself to germs all the time.  With Covid-19 cases still rising worldwide, and flu season still to come, it’s important to disinfect your cell phone regularly.

How to clean and disinfect your cell phone

Keep in mind that some disinfectants like diluted household bleach don’t play well with electronics. Many cleaning products and abrasive materials will diminish the fingerprint-resistant coating that keeps your phone from becoming a grimy mess whenever you scroll. Here’s what to do instead:

Power down first

Before doing any cleaning, turn off your phone and unplug from any charger.

Opt for microfiber cloths

These cloths have more fibers than other types of cloth, and as a result, can pick up more microscopic particles, including bacteria and viruses. That doesn’t mean it kills them—just lifts them off surfaces without the use of water.  Because of that, be sure to then disinfect the cloth before using it again. The best way is using your dishwasher—that “sanitise” cycle works like a charm—then hanging it up to dry.  You can also throw in the washing machine with warm water. And of course, wash your hands thoroughly after handling the germy cloth.

Turn to rubbing alcohol

If your cell phone is particularly grubby, or you don’t have microfiber cloths available, you can disinfect by creating a solution of about 60% water and 40% alcohol. Use a small corner of a cloth to gently clean the phone. Immediately use a dry portion of the cloth right afterward. Don’t spray the alcohol directly on the cell phone and be sure to dilute it. Regular soap and water work too, just be sure to squeeze out excess liquid before using the cloth.

Don’t use abrasive products.

Avoid using products with ingredients that will affect your phone’s screen coating. This includes window cleaner, vinegar and hydrogen peroxide.

Keep it clean.

Be mindful about how you’re using your phone and where you put it down, as it will pick up whatever is on that surface. So, keep your phone clean, but also change your habits in terms of how you handle it after that.

Source: www.prevention.com