
General Practitioners Helping You With A Fresh Perspective

How Your General Practitioner Can Assist You on Your Weight-Loss Journey

The South Africa Demographic and Health Survey (SADHS) released a report in 2016 that contained information on the nutritional status of South Africans. The report findings indicate that at least 68% of women and 31% of men in the country are overweight or obese. Getting back to a healthy weight, however, is no simple process and often requires support, resources, and time that many people do not have. Fortunately, partnering with a general practitioner you trust is a significant first step to a healthy future.

The Complex Reasons Behind Unhealthy Eating

Modern living makes it difficult for some households to cook healthy meals every day. Fast-paced, high-pressure work environments and an endless list of family responsibilities also mean that people are in constant need of a source of energy. Fast food is quick, accessible, and the high salt and sugar content is, for some individuals, a constant craving. Loud advertising and relentless “discount” deals also mislead consumers into thinking that the habit of ordering out is inexpensive when this is certainly not always the case.

While some people eat fast food out of convenience, others find it an emotional comfort and even a form of respite during a stressful daily schedule. Weight loss also becomes more challenging with certain health conditions and while taking medications that may affect appetite, hormones, and metabolism. It is for these reasons that opting for a healthier lifestyle is so difficult – it takes time, self-discipline, and motivation for which most people can’t muster up the energy.

Considering the Risks

Any general practitioner will tell you the same thing: while it is possible to appear healthy and feel fine, several health risks come with being overweight in the long run. These risks include type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, strokes, and even certain types of cancers, amongst others. It is essential that individuals carefully consider their lifestyles and examine whether or not they are making the right choices for their future.

A Fresh Perspective

Seeking the help of your general practitioner comes with a few benefits. Not only will they assess your current health, but they will help you understand how best to achieve your ideal body mass index (BMI). By working together, you will be able to create a plan, set goals, and seek solutions to some of the main reasons behind your weight gain.

Your general practitioner will not only make empowering resources more accessible to you but keep you on track when it comes to the healthy future you envision for yourself. The first step? It’s as simple as making an online booking today.