
Checking Your Diet With Your General Practitioner

Why to Consult Your General Practitioner Before Starting a New Diet

Why to Consult Your General Practitioner Before Starting a New Diet

Fad diets promise the world, often guaranteeing that you will simply melt away those centimetres rapidly – a notion that sounds almost too good to be true. The fact is that crash diets are not sustainable enough to keep up with in the long run and may even be dangerous when not carefully monitored. What, then, is the best solution for individuals who want to shed weight and keep it off? Well, before you undertake any changes to your diet or exercise routine, it may be wise to consult your general practitioner. Below we discuss why talking to a medical professional will not only give you the motivation you need to become healthier but help you mitigate any risks you may face too.

When “Healthy Living” Becomes Dangerous

There is no such thing as too healthy but striving for health outcomes despite how damaging the methods employed may be is ultimately harmful. In theory, eating right and exercising may get your there but there are tons of factors to consider before introducing these lifestyle changes. Below are a few key points to keep in mind before setting any weight or fitness goals for yourself:

  • Your mental health is important. A diet that is very restrictive and borders on starvation will negatively impact both your body and mind. In the end, your overarching goal is to move towards holistic wellness – not just fitting into clothing of a smaller size.
  • Gaining weight and difficulty losing it, an increased appetite, and bloating can all be affected by medication. Stopping your medication or switching to an alternative may improve your weight loss journey.
  • Your family history may be a good indicator of issues that play into weight gain and how best to lose it.

Your General Practitioner Will Offer a Holistic Plan Forward

Some days, even the healthiest of individuals feel a pang of guilt when indulging in that extra chocolate brownie. The key difference between someone who eats well and someone who doesn’t, however, is general consistency. Getting to a place where you are comfortable with your daily dietary and exercise choices takes work but through a plan that is suited to who you are as a person, it’s possible. Your general practitioner will not only assess your weight but look at where you may be lacking in nutrition, find out about how your mental health contributes to your lifestyle, and adjust any medication where needed.

If you would like to invest in your future today, then starting with your physical wellbeing is a fantastic idea. To make an easy online booking with a general practitioner near you, click here.